Airbrush Art


The airbrush is the most revolutionary art tool ever created. Airbrushes allow you to airbrush any type of paint or dye onto any surface imaginable. It is fast, versatile and can be used from human skin to car exterior (no, it will be different paint used!!). Remember Hollywood movies where actors have super cool tattoos? Yup, it is airbrush. Or you happened to see an awesome design on a shirt or hat and you wonder where this person got it? Personalization and creativity of airbrush again, my friend! Or at least once you were admiring a stunningly painted motorcycle or a car… Again it is airbrush. And you will be even more surprised to know that airbrush is widely used in make up which our face painters are very familiar with.

So how does it work?

An airbrush relies on the Venturi effect to draw paint (or any other medium) into a fast moving flow of air, where the paint is then atomised into a fine spray. The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section (or choke) of a pipe and is named after the Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746–1822).

We are hired for numerous events throughout the year to do airbrush tattoos, hats or any custom merchandize.